Energy Revolution

Energy is everything and everything is energy!...We are energy...

Free Quantum Energy from Ball Lightning

Dr. Kiril Chukanov

          Dr. Kiril Chukanov reveals to us a new era in Energy, which is still struggling in its efforts to become a reality. It is a completely unknown field, described only in his books and articles, which we will publish separately on the site in order to create the primary elements in the human consciousness in its encounter with quantum energy and information objects. 
All this is a huge basis for the creation of numerous patents and useful models, the realization of which will change human civilization beyond recognition. Let's give due credit to Dr. Kiril Chukanov - the discoverer of Free Quantum Energy from Ball Lightning.
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Quantum Energy Generation System (Patent Reg. No. 67534 B1)

Quantum Energy Generation System (Patent Reg. No. 67534 B1)
The plasmasphere is produced by rapid ionization of the medium, in which many nuclei merge into a single quantum nucleus, and the released electrons arrange themselves in quantum levels, similar to the Fermi levels of an ordinary atom. The resulting object is optimized in the form of a sphere, which is reached with the least energy from space. The core of this sphere exists at the border of contact between the world and the anti-world, and in reality the annihilation turns it into a quantum point, which means that if we "touch" anywhere on this sphere, we are actually touching its entire surface. There is no space inside this sphere! It is a 2D object that is a quantum nucleus surrounded on all sides by a 3D electron cloud. The plasmasphere is a giant atom, during the creation of which a huge electromagnetic flux is produced, the peak being in the area of ultraviolet rays - in the range of 10 ÷ 400 nanometers; up to the x-ray range and down to the microwave range!
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Installation for cleaning flue gases and obtaining electrical energy, including a Quantum incinerator (useful model Reg. No. 4284 U1)

Installation for cleaning flue gases and obtaining electrical energy, including a Quantum incinerator
  (useful model
Reg. No. 4284 U1)
The patent is known WO2010123391 - AN APPARATUS FOR UTI LIZING FLUE GASES To • ZVONOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich ZVONOV, Александр Александровисh • BASARGIN, Oleg Sergeevich BASARGIN, Oleg Sergeeviсh ! We offer a QUANTUM INCINATOR, which not only eliminates the shortcomings of the above patent, but also provides additional electrical energy from: 1. Excitation of the quantum nucleus of a plasmasphere by an electric field 2. Excitation of the quantum core of a plasmasphere by a magnetic field
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Kinetic generator and system for its synchronization (useful model Reg. No. 4298 U1)

Kinetic generator and system for its synchronization
(useful model
Reg. No. 4298 U1)
The plasmasphere is most often created in a closed space (chamber/cylinder) using a high-voltage pulse discharge from a battery of powerful high-energy capacitors. The medium of creation/existence of the Plasmasphere can be either a gas (most often air) or a liquid (liquid electrolyte; preferably seawater). Ball lightning annihilates/destroys the space at the location of its core and consequently compresses the medium against the walls of the vessel. Tremendous pressure occurs in the middle of existence of ball lightning. As a result of this pressure, free kinetic quantum energy is generated. .
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Time and Quantum Energy

The situation in the world has never been more suitable for mastering new sources of Energy!

The climate

Environmental pollution leads to irreversible changes in the climate. This urgently needs to change!

Electric cars

The era of electric cars is coming. But they are a very big user of Energy. Power plants only move atmospheric pollution.

Airplanes and mass transport

Airplanes and mass transport Airplanes, Rockets, Locomotives, etc. must also become environmentally friendly. This is possible only with Quantum Energy!

The Energy Revolution and Communications

The New Energy requires a New Consciousness - crossing 100% moral planes. The role of all types of communications is growing!

Quantum Energy Technologies

Quantum Energy can be in the form of Kinetic Energy, Thermal Energy, but the most massive case will require it to be transformed into Electricity!

Резомално-изоморфният принцип

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